Category: Public Issues

Ft Lauderdale Airport Shooting

Updated: Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting

Five people shot dead by gunman in Florida.

We're now hearing reports about a shooter in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airport who has shot 5 people. Several others were injured. In the baggage claim area of Terminal 2, just before 1 pm Florida time, a man began shooting. Five people were killed and eight…
close-up of police officer service revolver

School Deputy Lies About Shooting Gun in School

There's a word for people like this...

We first read about this guy a few days ago. Stupid doesn't even begin to describe this guy and his careless mishandling of his weapon that nicked a teacher in another room. In Auburn, Michigan, a Bay County Sheriff named Adam Brown who was the high…
woman wearing goggles with one eye closed aiming a handgun

This Is Why More Women Are Carrying Guns

Any wonder why more women are carrying?

Almost every women has been in a situation in which she was afraid because a man was angry. Some women have even experienced having a man with a gun being upset with her. This is even more frightening. The statistics show that being a female increases…
Philippine Government Tightens Gun Ownership Laws

Philippine Police Won’t Tape Their Guns Today

The tradition is halted as police caption seeks to show his officers are so disciplined they don't need it.

Today, on New Year's Eve, police in the Philippines won't have the muzzles of their guns taped. The Philippine National Police (PNP) decided to do away with the tradition of the gun taping this year. The idea was to prevent the police officers from ringing in…
winchester rifle turned into a candy vending machine

Guy Turns Winchester Rifle Into Candy Vending Machine

Not something you see everyday...

An artist has turned a Winchester model 94 rifle into a vending machine that shoots out candy. Constantine Zlatev was inspired to create the art piece by retro candy dispensers. The gun's once-revolutionary lever-action reloading mechanism makes it perfect for the task. The gun magazine was…
guns in a row on a counter

Survey Shows Which People Are More Likely to Own a Gun

Gallup poll shows which groups will have guns.

Maybe it's not a big surprise, but according to a new Gallup poll, if you've been the victim of an assault or a theft or property crime, you're more likely to decide to buy a gun. A new Gallup Crime Survey released a few days ago…