Guy Turns Winchester Rifle Into Candy Vending Machine
Not something you see everyday...

An artist has turned a Winchester model 94 rifle into a vending machine that shoots out candy. Constantine Zlatev was inspired to create the art piece by retro candy dispensers. The gun’s once-revolutionary lever-action reloading mechanism makes it perfect for the task.
The gun magazine was modified to store seven specially designed candy capsules. Whenever a token is dropped in, the mechanical receiver dispenses the candy, which is in the shape of what a bullet would be.
Zlatev has a video of the rifle candy vending machine in action. In the video, it looks like each candy capsule contains multi-colored jelly beans. The price of each candy is linked to a weapons stock index and is recalculated in real time for each purchase. After the coin is fed in, the machine recalculates the new price for the next purchase. The whole device is programmed and controlled through a Rasperry pi, a tiny computer commonly used in DIY tech projects.
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