Category: Public Issues

The End of Gun Free Zones on Military Bases

The End of Gun-Free Zones on Military Bases

New Department of Defense document sets the ground rules.

In late November, the Department of Defense released detailed guidelines to allow U.S. military personnel to carry their personal concealed firearms on military bases. This 26-page document does the following: • Establishes policy and standards and assigns responsibilities for arming, carrying of firearms, and the use of force…
Campus Carry Supporters Rally in Wake of Ohio Knife Attack

Campus Carry Supporters Rally in Wake of Ohio Knife Attack

Ohio State University students protest.

The Ohio State University campus was recently the site of a knife attack. The student responsible for the attack on November 28, which injured 11 people, is believed to have been inspired by the Islamic group ISIS. The man drove through a crowd, striking people…
map of maryland

Baltimore Bans Toy Guns

Cities in Maryland are considering a ban on realistic looking toy guns.

We reported two months ago on the city council in Salisbury, Maryland, possibly voting to ban toy guns that look like real guns. Here's a follow-up to that story. In mid-November, the Baltimore city council approved a citywide ban on toy guns that look like real…
Australia Announces Gun Amnesty Program

Australia Announces Gun Amnesty Program

The gun buyback program isn't working.

The Australian government has announced a gun amnesty program. The Australian Justice Minister Michael Keenan announced that the amnesty is intended to allow people who may, for whatever reason, have unregistered guns, to come forward and register them. Australia implemented tight gun control laws there after a…
Kenya Burns 5,250 Illegal Weapons

Kenya Burns 5,250 Illegal Weapons

Imagine a huge pile of guns blazing in a massive bonfire.

Imagine a huge pile of guns blazing in a massive bonfire. This is what Kenyans experienced recently. Fox News reported that three stacks of guns about 15 feet high were burned. Obtaining a gun license is difficult in Kenya. After completing an application, interviews and background…
The Future of the Gun Industry with Trump

The Future of the Gun Industry with Trump

A pro-gun candidate has won the election!

Pro-gun Donald Trump has won the Presidential election! While many gun advocates are happy and relieved over these results, there’s still curiosity concerning what will happen to the gun industry with a new president. One of the biggest changes that will follow Trump is the growth…