Women’s Shooting Group Spotlight: A Girl and a Gun Women’s Shooting League
Shooting groups build camaraderie and education.

A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League (AG&AG) came about because of the concept that women often enjoy the camaraderie of meeting with like-minded women and learning in a structured setting. “I got the idea for AG&AG while trying to build my business as a firearms instructor,” says founder Julianna Crowder. “I had a very successful business and great reputation as an instructor, but I was not seeing the number of female clients I expected,”
After identifying barriers such as not enough time, money, and kids’ activities coming first, Crowder decided to start a relaxed “Happy Hour” style event where she supplied guns, ammunition and offered help. The formula worked. “My little system turned into a chapter-based organization in Texas and we grew to be a national organization,” she says.
AG&AG provides many opportunities throughout the year for women to learn and to compete. An annual conference brings members from all around the country to Texas each spring for participants to learn and improve their skills. The popular 3-Gun University teaches women more about the growing sport of 3-Gun.
Crowder and her partner, Robyn Sandoval, held their first 3-Gun competition in October of 2016. The Brownell’s Multigun Fall Fest held at Rockcastle Shooting Center in Park City, Kentucky, was a tremendous success. Nearly 250 women attended from all over the country. Some were new to a multigun contest, others had a little experience at competing. The “Squad Moms” and others who assisted were the nation’s top women competitors such as Lena Miculek, Diana Muller, and Ashley Rheuark. Women are already reserving their spots for the second event to be held October 6-7, 2017.
Other opportunities for women to compete have included IDPA Indoor, World, and BUG championships. The ability to be a part of the AG&AG squads gives women a taste of the experience when they may otherwise not have had the chance.
Another series of activities are the “Girl’s Getaways.” These events offer members another opportunity for learning, competing, networking, or socializing.
AG&AG also puts together training materials for members to access at home. A Training Journal will help the shooter track their progress, things they want to improve upon, and set goals. A website, Facebook page, weekly newsletter, and national website of curated content keep members up-to-date on current events and policies.
Many chapters have junior shooters joining them, learning about firearms, safety, the importance of the Second Amendment, and simply having fun with their own friends. With over 100 chapters nationwide, it’s easy to see that the concept of A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League is speaking to a large segment of women who are interested in shooting.
Image of A Girl and a Gun shotgun class taken by Rondre Baluyot. Certified instructors for A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League teach participants many aspects of the shooting sports such as this shotgun class at 3-Gun University.