German Gun Manufacturer to Release New Smart Gun

Fingerprint reader authorizes shooter.

German Gun Manufacturer to Release New Smart Gun Model

I know what you’re going to say! Every time this website reports on smart gun technology we hear from all of you about what a stupid idea it is. And this time won’t be any different I’m sure. But hey, I just report the news! So here goes…

German firearms manufacturer Armatix will release its second model, the iP9. No one wanted its first model, the .22 caliber iP1, because of concerns about its reliability and the threat to Second Amendment rights.

Unlike the iP1, which used RFID technology, the new iP9 9mm semi-automatic pistol will have a fingerprint reader. The iP9 will be available in mid-2017, according to Wolfgang Tweraser, CEO and president of Armatix.

The iP1 uses an RFID chip inside a black wristwatch. In order for the handgun to function, the matching watch must be within 10-inches. The pistol can also be disabled with a timer or a PIN code entered into the watch. When the wristwatch is within 10-inches, a green LED light on the gun’s grip indicates it is enabled. When not, the light turns red, indicating the weapon is disabled. Guns & Gear tested the iP1 and said it experienced issues with the gun pairing and not recognizing the watch.

How much do you have to spend to get this amazing technology? Only $1,365, which is more than twice the price of many conventional 9mm semi-automatic pistols. Wolfgang Tweraser, CEO and president of Armatix LLC, compared the high price tag to that of paying more to buy a Tesla car or some other high-end electronics.

Image courtesy of Armatix