New Texas Open Carry Law Explained By Firearms Instructor
Texas Firearm Instructor Talks About House Bill 910 And What it Means

The new open carry bill that took effect on Jan. 1 in Texas is being better explained by a firearms instructor.
House Bill 910 essentially means anyone with a concealed carry license doesn’t have to hide their pistols, but they’ll still have to be holstered.
Roy Balli, a firearms instructor certified by the National Rifle Association and the Texas Department of Public Safety, said that’s the main difference in concealed carry and open carry when the law is implemented.
Here’s a summary of what he reported to
“As far as the difference between a concealed carry and open carry: The concealed carry must not be in open sight. The open carry must be in plain sight on a shoulder or belt holster,” Balli said .
There are a lot more people signing up for training now that the open carry law will begin. Balli describes it as a “buzz for people wanting to have the option to protect themselves.”
Eligibility of concealed carry licenses remains the same when House Bill 910 begins in 2016.
“Requirements: You need to be over 21 with a clean record,” Balli said. “No felony convictions, no Class A or B misdemeanors convictions within five years or two within 10 years.”
Texas citizens with concealed carry licenses won’t need a new license or additional training. Anyone who wants to openly carry a handgun must obtain certification.
The open carry of rifles, shotguns, and other “long guns” are already allowed in the state.
In order to obtain a license, people must earn a minimum 175 points shooting 50 rounds at three different distances. Balli says it’s a multi-step process that may take between 4-to-6 hours to complete. Once finished, a certified instructor will issue a certificate, but a state application is still required.
“That’s a separate process done online and they do a background check and roughly within a month you get the yes or no for the license to carry approval,” Balli said.
This procedure under the open carry law is meant to deter criminals from obtaining licenses.
House Bill 910 restricts where people can carry firearms, including schools, airports, and private businesses which indicate with appropriate signage they don’t allow guns inside.