College Students in Kansas Prepare for Concealed Carry on Campus
Students Could Carry Without Registration or Training

College students in Kansas are preparing for anyone over the age of 21 owning a gun to be allowed to legally carry concealed on campus without a permit — or having proper training in how to discharge a firearm.
Attitudes of students is being surveyed on this controversial issue.
Kansas is predominately a rural state, so many are familiar with gun ownership. Still, there are many who view college students with loaded firearms on campus is an “absolute disaster.” Another group of students isn’t opposed to concealed carry, but doesn’t favor the idea that training requirements aren’t necessary.
Legislation in Kansas was passed in 2012 requiring concealed-carry permit holders be allowed to carry their weapons in most public buildings. In early 2015, the Legislature tossed the permit requirement and passed a bill allowing those who can “lawfully own a gun to carry it loaded and hidden without a permit or training.”
Public agencies that ban weapons inside buildings are mandated to provide sufficient security measures to make sure no weapons are allowed. These security measures involve metal detectors, metal detector wands, or other security devices.
Until July 1, 2017, campuses can ban guns in order to give them time to phase in the new requirements. In the meantime, the Kansas Board of Regents has devised a draft policy that would ban open carrying of firearms, but allow concealed carry.
A survey gauging the attitudes of students regarding guns on campus was developed by the Students Advisory Committee, a group of student body presidents from all state universities. It has invited students in the system to complete the survey; results won’t be expected until next month. This survey has reportedly stirred reactions in students who’ve mostly been silent on the issue of guns on campuses until now.
The largest objection to allowing guns on campus has come from the University of Kansas in which student activists — Rock Chalk Invisible Hawk — want a ban on guns at the campus as part of their list of demands for more diversity and “safe space” for students to seek their education.
Despite the wide variety of opinions concerning campus carry, expect college students, other staff, and legislators to continue to speak out over the place for firearms on campus.