Tag: FBI

Handgun and pen and paperwork required for the background check for a gun purchase

May 2017 Gun Sales Set Record

What about this "Trump Slump'?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation ran more firearms-related background checks in May 2017 than in any previous May. That's any previous May ever, according to the data. Even more so than May 2016. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) registered 1,942,677 checks from May…
Male Forensic Scientist Holding an Evidence Bag With a Gun Inside

Violent Crime IS Going Up

The trend has changed.

News reports have been saying lately that more and more people, including women and minorities, are arming themselves. WE reported in late 2016 that violent crime had slightly decreased ("5 Reasons to Carry Concealed in 2017") , although news reports hyping crime makes it seem…
selection of guns

November On Pace to Be Seventh Straight Month of Soaring Gun Sales

FBI Processes a Record Number of Background Checks

Gun sales reached all-time highs during the summer months of 2015, and the rates have kept their momentum into the fall. The soaring sales are motivated by violent incidents and talk from some political leaders. 1,979,759 background checks for firearms were processed by the Federal Bureau…