5 Reasons a 9 Millimeter Is a Good Starter Pistol
Pistols vary, it’s important to know which pistol to start with

There’s nothing like putting a pistol in your hand for the first time. It’s powerful, smooth, and comes with a feeling of both power and responsibility. As you’re considering a starter gun, it’s important to know which pistol to start with.
Why the 9 Millimeter Is a Smart Choice for a Starter Gun
Anyone looking to own a gun for the first time should consider the 9 millimeter pistol. The following are five reasons it makes a great starter pistol.
#1: It’s Inexpensive
You never know what it will be like to own and shoot a gun until you do it. There’s no sense in spending a lot of money on it, and then decide it’s not for you. That’s what makes the 9 millimeter pistol great for first timers. An entry level 9 millimeter pistol starts around $200. You cannot find other guns with this power for this low of a price. Of course, models are available that are quite a bit more than that, if you desire to step up.
#2: Rounds Are Inexpensive
In line with the cost of the pistol, the 9-millimeter rounds are also inexpensive. You can purchase 100 rounds for around $24. Many people do not want to invest a lot of money in rounds if they shoot recreationally. The 9-millimeter pistol is perfect for shooters with small budgets.
#3: Rounds Are Easily Accessible
There’s no need to go out of your way to find the rounds for the 9 millimeter pistol. You can find them at your local gun stores, Walmart, and other stores carrying guns and accessories. This is great if you’re planning on going to the shooting range and find out you need more rounds!
#4: Double Stack Magazines
Don’t worry about feeling like you have to reload every second you’re shooting because the 9 millimeter has a double stack magazine (16 rounds). You’ll love how you can load up and shoot enough to hit your target several times before having to load again.
#5: Easy to Shoot with Minimal Recoil
If you’ve never shot a gun before, you need something that will be easy to shoot. This usually means minimal recoil (the pull back after pulling the trigger). The 9 millimeter hardly moves when it fires, which makes it an easy gun to use, especially when you’re trying to hit a target.
Now you know why the 9 millimeter pistol is the best option for novice gun users or new owners. Try it as your first gun or spread the word to others who are looking for a gun for the first time. It’s the perfect choice when trying to gain the experience needed to become a lifelong gun lover.
Image of M&P Crimson Trace Green Laserguard courtesy of smith-wesson.com